Monday, 24 September 2012

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

1. A country can only prosper and grow stronger if the people save it with honest and selfless devotion.

2. Secret of success lies in hardworking.

3. Avoid talking too much if you want to be great person.

4. I have lived as plain Mr. Jinnah, and I hope to die as plain Mr. Jinnah. I am very much averse to any title or honours and I will be more than happy if there was no prefix to my name.

5. Think hundred times before you take a decision, but once a decision is taken stand by it as one man.  

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (R.A)

1. My sins get crystallized before me when people praise me.

Muhammad Ali (Boxer)

1. One who has no deep perception keeps no worth.

Sayyid Ali al-Khamenei

1. The only way to confront the Zionist enemy is the continuation and fortification of resistance and Jihad.

2. Holding absolute power in heresy in Islam.

3. Music is no different from opium; replace it with something instructive.

Allama Iqbal (R.A)

1. Only he overcomes the revolution of time who creates the eternal with every breath.

2. Single moment of freedom is better than hundred years of slavery.

3. Only deeds may guide you either to heaven or to hell.

4. Good book is the best friend of man.

Friday, 21 September 2012

Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar

1. The real beauty of mother is her love, and my mother is the greatest beauty of the world.

2. Service above self is a pilgrimage to humanism. 

Muhammad Hassan Azad

1. What adversity teaches a man, prosperity not.

Sir Sayyid Ahmed Khan

1. After every failure there hides success, but it requires incessant struggle.

Tipu Sultan

1.It is better to die before you bend your knees before your enemy.

2. One day of lion is better than the hundred days of jackal.

3. Save me from friends, I will defend against my enemies.

4. The real joy of life is to combat difficulties and miseries with firm determination.

Mir Hassan Dihlavi

1. Self-centered cannot be a good friend.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Abdul Rahim Girohri (R.A)

1. Closeness to Allah promises an apparent mental harmony where as the love with worldly affairs leads to disharmony.

Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai

1. Who so transferred their minds from this world and its attractions to the Hereafter, (i.e. they adopted self-abnegation), they shall reach the goal. The Beloved, who is personification of beauty and wisdom par excellence, is less than one cubit away from us. 

Nadir Shah Afshar

1. There is no difference between mother and flower; Flower spreads fragrance and mother eternal love.

Waris Shah

1. One line of words sometimes make the author immortal.

Khuwaja Noor Muhammad Muhaarvi

1. Supplication coupled with good deeds is unless until you develop real love for Holy Prophet (PBUH).

Shah Inayat Shaheed

1. Worldly agonies for righteous man are like fire for gold which removes the waste layers.

Khushhal Khan Khattak

1. It is better to die by ailing but take no pill by begging.

Mujaddid Alf-i-Thani (Sani)

1. Handover sorrows of your family to Allah for permanent solution.

2. Lust for luxury in the world is work of fools.

3.  Meditation removes wearing and carelessness.

4.  The most helpless creation among all is man.

5. To love unbeliever is to do enmity with Allah Almighty.

6.  Company of materialists is a passion.

7.  Allah Almighty never showers His blessings on man who keeps no love and sympathies for human beings.